The British parking association has announced revisions to the code of practice for private parking operators. It has banned the use of incentive schemes that encourage employees to issue tickets. This has been decided as some staff have been altering timestamps on their digital cameras to make it appear that cars have overstayed when they carry out patrols.
The BPA has also introduced a mandatory grace period akin to that now applies to local authority parking operations. This is an extension to the grace period at the end of the paid parking time or after the expiry of a free parking period to a minimum of 10 minutes. The government bought in measures to encourage people to use their cars in town centres which ensured a 10 minute grace period in council run car parks.
Gemini welcomes the changes as it works towards removing the confusion of public land and it offers motorists fairer parking conditions.
The changes to the association code of practice come into immediate effect. The BPA investigation highlights the need to update their code of practice which came in effect on the 1st October 2015.
The chief executive of the BPA Patrick Troy feels that he wants to make it easier for motorists to park in whichever car park the use when they go about on their daily duties.By making private car parks as similar to local authority it will make the motorist life easier and simpler.
The deregulation bill which was passed by the government will lead to a better way of enforcing parking. The BPA code of professional conduct sets out the standards expected of those working in the profession and all BPA members commit to the code when they join the association.
The changes to the code of practice coincide with the changes to the administration of parking on private land appeals (popla).